Max’s graduation party

The RSVP’s weren’t accurate and Barb had some extra chair and table space. And the strangest thing was that virtually no one left the kitchen or family room. There were something like another 14 chairs in the dining room and a couple of card tables in the living room that no one used. They either sat around the two card tables in the family room or ate at the kitchen counter. It was more intimate, but a little odd.

Barb had lots of decorations and great food for everyone. That wasn’t without a fair amount of stress. Among other things the oven went rogue when she was trying to bake the cupcakes. It decided to broil them instead. The tops were brown and headed toward black when she noticed. Below a thin crust the cupcakes were completely liquid.

Barb made a quick dash to the store to get another cake mix and I salvaged the cupcakes for more private use by transferring them to a ceramic cup and nuking them in the microwave for one minute. They were still considerably misshapen but very edible.



Continue reading “Max’s graduation party”


Thanksgiving was at Bill and Carolyn’s house this year. There was some apprehension about the menu after it was announced there was a South American theme.

The worries were overblown. There was only one dish, I think it was Chilean pulled pork, which wouldn’t have been at home in a typical U.S. Thanksgiving spread. The food was plentiful and good. The people were friendly and the conversations pleasant.

Here are some of the pictures:



Continue reading “Thanksgiving”