MMS Friends

Captain Jason

The latest news on the recover of Jason after his injury in Iraq by an IED.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Wednesday 1/25: Report on Thursday

Today I spent my first "all morning" with Jason for PT/OT, usually I am busy doing chores, etc.
I started out by helping Kyla with his leg exercises. We measured Jason's flexibility and Kyla was surprised with the degree of flexibility in his right leg. We decided an error had been made in earlier measurements as Jason can definitely move his right hip more than before, yet there was no measurable difference. Jason can now sit down and get up from a regular chair, without pad to raise the seat level, by himself. It is not graceful but very practical so we know Jason can move the right hip to that degree. He continues to participate in exercises to increase the flexibility and to strengthen his core muscles.

I spent some of PT watching demonstrations of a new machine "dance pad," computer controlled with biofeedback to the patient. It is used to increase balance and core strength. The pad "moves left right, up down, front back" demanding the patient balance to be upright. I think it will be a good exercise machine for the patients including Jason. He was part of the demonstration, I took pictures so you can see Jason and the "dance machine."

There was a promotion of a soldier to Sgt from Hawaii during PT. He is part of the Army Reserve (I believe) and 19 Generals were present. They were attending meetings here in DC and came to the ceremony. It was wonderful because there was only his wife present, as far as I could tell, as his family. They stayed and talked with many of the soldiers including Jason. I spoke with a general and offered to speak to Congress etc on behalf of disabled veterans, their families and needs. They were very supportive of families of the soldiers as they are on a Committee for Policy and the general is very close to the Senators from Hawaii.

When Jason returned to his room, three commanders from his unit just returned to US from Iraq came to visit; Lt. Col Wald, Col. McKnight and Master Sgt. Gallagher. Jason spent a long time talking to the men and sharing his experiences; injury, immediate care and care at Walter Reed. The officers were very supportive and talked to me also asking that I let them know "if Jason needs anything." Jason's men will be visiting in the coming week. Jason received a coin and a belt buckle from the company. Captain Jack Rowold, served with Jason in Iraq, stopped by later. Jason and he made plans to go out together on Thursday "for a beer."

The commanders met Jason again when he returned to OT at 2 PM. Lt. Col Wald stayed for the longest time watching Jason manipulate the prosthetic arm. Bronson and Green dropped by to visit with everyone. Jason returned to OT at 4 PM for "20 minutes" with visitors from the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, I think about 40 members, in two groups. I understand that the session of "show and tell" on prosthetics took over 2 hours! Civilian MDs do not have the opportunity to see such prosthetics in action. Most amputees are diabetic and older.

I left at 5, Thanks Nancy and Ken for the ride, to attend liturgy at the Quixote Center. It was wonderful to have liturgy amongst the beautiful artwork from Nicaragua in a small circle of friends and a meal together afterwards. We prayed for all soldiers and their families and prayed that all soldiers throughout the world might return to their homes in peace. Blessings everyone.


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