The fence project—Part 4

The fence on the Northeast side was only just completed when She looked upon the gate near the Southwest corner and She was displeased. And She thereby looked upon me with pleading eyes and a pleasant voice and asked, “Could you help me build a new gate?” And so it was that yesterday we began to build a gate:


And when the gate was complete She looked upon it and was well pleased for it was a thing of beauty:


But the day was not yet done for there was much clean up to be done. There were many old pieces of fence and large concrete blobs to haul to the Bellevue Transit center. There it was found there was 450 pounds of old fence stuff to leave with them for proper disposal.


And then She looked upon my car and saw that it had small pieces of wood and dirt on the inside from the fence clean up. And so, She then vacuumed it and made it clean once more.

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