Idaho visit

Last weekend Barb and I went to Idaho. We delivered more chemicals for Boomershoot 2019, trimmed some trees along the road to Boomershoot Taj Mahal, and attended my high school reunion. The weather was a little on the warm side but not bad. We took a few pictures during the trip:


I believe this was west of Colfax on Highway 26. We found the clouds quite pretty.


This is the lentil field just south of Boomershoot Mecca.


I”m planning to repair these steel targets at the tree line before Boomershoot 2019.


I was trying to do the equivalent of this one from almost exactly 10 years ago:



Another view of the hay bales with the shooting line in the background.


For many years Barb had digestive issues with wheat. Those issues mysteriously went away a few months ago (Barb is skeptical of my suggestion it was Dr. Joe’s cure for everything, and I’m skeptical of her hypothesis of a spiritual/energy something or other healing). Here we have her next to a field of Huffman Wheat.

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