Kelsey Creek Farm walk

Barb and I did some errands together this morning then as we were headed back to my place we decided to go for a walk at Kelsey Creek Farm since it was right on the way.

Barb left her gloves in the car. It was actually pretty warm, about 45F, so I gave my gloves to her. At the end of the walk her hands, even while wearing gloves, were colder than mine which were bare for the entire walk.



Just a little way on down the trail above on the left side, over the fence, was a bunch of old farm equipment. I believe all of it was drawn by animal power. It was too small to be for tractors. I knew the names of all except one piece of equipment and I explained what each piece of equipment was for and how it worked to Barb. I’m not sure she was really interested but she was polite enough to let me ramble on without interrupting.


We didn’t actually go over the bridge. I just thought it would make a neat picture.

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