Helping Lisa

I was in Idaho this weekend to visit my family. Saturday night after dinner at my brother Doug’s place my sister in law, Julie, checked her email and came back. My niece Lisa, who lives in Kent, asked if they could have the couch her brother, Brad, had before he died. The plans was for her unemployed boyfriend, Kevin, to drive to Idaho load up the couch in Brad’s pickup, drive to Kent, then drive back to Idaho, get his car, then drive back to Kent.

I thought this was crazy talk and told them that if they would arrange for the U-Haul trailer I would pull the trailer and couch back to Kent for Lisa. They did and I did.

About half-way back I stopped for a break and to check on the condition of the trailer, hitch, load, etc. I took a picture of my car and trailer and sent it to Barb with the message, “I have more stuff to unpack. Want to come over and help tonight?”


After about five minutes without a reply I began to worry. Maybe she was plotting my death, or at least, a break up with me. She has helped so much with my move and all the old stuff that should be thrown away I was worried I could be endangering the relationship by asking for even more help.

So I sent her another text message, “It’s a couch for Lisa.”

She replied back in about two minutes, “LOL. I was too busy typing OMG.”

Via text messages we arranged to meet up and take the couch to Lisa together.

I arrived shortly after Maddy and Barb started their weekly telephone conversation. After the conversation was over Barb navigated and I drove to Lisa’s place. We delivered the couch, went back to my place, and unloaded the rifles I had brought back from the Boomershoot site:


Barb still had a smile on her face and I don’t think it was because she was envisioning a painful and horrible fate for me during the night.

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